
NewAddressBook is a desktop app built for Singapore secondary school teachers that are handling large classes. It helps them manage the contacts of their students and colleagues efficiently. It also supports keeping track of upcoming meetings and recording the medical histories of students.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.

  2. Download the latest newaddressbook.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for NewAddressBook.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how NewAddressBook already contains some sample data. (Depending on your OS, you may need to launch the jar file using the java -jar newaddressbook.jar command)


  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

  • listStudent : Lists all students.

  • student n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ g/M a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 f/3E1 em/999 i/Math class t/naughty : Adds a student named “John Doe” to NewAddressBook.

  • deleteStudent 3 : Deletes the 3rd student shown in the currently displayed student list.

  • clearStudent : Deletes all displayed students.

  • exit : Exits the app.

Refer to the Overview section for a summary of commands available and the Features section for details of each command.

:bulb: Tip: If you face any issues launching NewAddressBook, go to the data folder, delete newaddressbook.json and try launching again.


User Interface (UI)

The following shows the different parts of NewAddressBook’s main application window:


  • The Command Box is where the user types in commands for execution.
  • The Result Box displays the result of the commands executed.
  • The Student List displays the list of students stored in the app.
  • The Teacher List displays the list of teachers stored in the app.
  • The Data Source displays information about where the app saves data.

Individual Student Display

The following image shows the various aspects that describe a student:


:information_source: The Medical History field will only appear if you have added medical history for that student. Otherwise, it will not be shown. This allows the user to observe whether a student has any medical history easily. When the medical history is too long or cannot be shown fully, it will be truncated to “…”. To view the full medical history, use the showMedical command.

Individual Teacher Display

The following image shows the various aspects that describe a teacher:


Meeting Window

Meetings are not displayed in the main window. Instead, they are displayed in a separate window, called the Meeting window.

The meeting window pops up when the user enters the showMeeting command in the main window’s input box. Alternatively, the user may opt to click on the Show Meeting button in the menu bar.

The following image shows the meeting window:


The meeting window has its own input box, result box, and a list displaying all meetings.

Individual Meeting Display

The various fields that describe a meeting are as follows:


Commands Summary

:information_source: Out of all the commands, the only command which executes in both windows is the undo command. The other commands work either in the main application window or the meeting window, but not both. The Window column of the table below indicates which window the command is compatible with.
Action Format Window
Clear students clearStudent Main
Copy a field from students copyStudent c/FIELD_TO_COPY Main
Delete a student deleteStudent INDEX Main
Edit a student editStudent INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [g/GENDER] [i/INVOLVEMENT] [a/ADDRESS] [f/FORM_CLASS] [em/EMERGENCY_CONTACT] [t/TAG]…​ Main
Find a student by name findStudent KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] Main
Filter a student filterStudent [INVOLVEMENT] [t/TAG]…​ Main
List all students listStudent Main
Record a student’s medical history medical INDEX m/MEDICAL_HISTORY Main
Show a student’s full medical history showMedical INDEX Main
Copy a field from teachers copyTeacher c/FIELD_TO_COPY Main
Clear teachers clearTeacher Main
Delete a teacher deleteTeacher INDEX Main
Edit a teacher editTeacher INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [g/GENDER] [i/INVOLVEMENT] [o/OFFICE_TABLE_NUMBER] [t/TAG]…​ Main
Find a teacher by name findTeacher KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] Main
Filter a teacher filterTeacher [INVOLVEMENT] [t/TAG]…​ Main
List all teachers listTeacher Main
Exit exit Main
View help help Main
Open meetings window showMeeting Main
Add meeting meet r/TITLE d/DATE_TIME v/VENUE w/ATTENDEE_TYPE Meetings
Remove meeting deleteMeeting INDEX Meetings
Clear all meetings clearMeeting Meetings
Close meetings window quitMeeting Meetings
Undo undo Both


  • Involvement: refers to how the user is involved with the student/teacher contact. This is a broad term describing why the user would even want to bother storing the student/teacher in NewAddressBook in the first place. For example, a math teacher might store the involvement of a student in their class as in my math class. A CCA teacher might store the involvement of a student in his badminton CCA as badminton. A teacher involved in an overseas CIP trip might want to store the involvement of students going along with him as CIP trip.

  • Currently displayed list: For students, for example, there are two lists that are maintained by the application. One is the full list of students. The other is the list which the user currently sees on screen. For various reasons, the list the user sees may not be the same as the full list of students (perhaps the user executed a findStudent command). When we say “currently displayed list” we mean the list that is currently shown to the user.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in student command, NAME under n/NAME represents the student’s name that you should provide. For instance, if the student’s name is “John Doe”, you should input n/John Doe in the student command.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • For most commands except filterStudent and filterTeacher, parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE, p/PHONE n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, quitMeeting, list, exit and clearStudent/clearTeacher) will be ignored.
    e.g. for the help command, if you specify help 123, it will be interpreted as help. For other commands that require parameters, the input format must be as stated in the user guide.

  • For all prefixes (except the first), the user should ensure they are preceded by a space for the parser to recognise it as a new prefix, instead of a parameter in the previous prefix. For example, editStudent 1 i/e/ parsers the parameter for i/ as e/, and does not detect any input for the e/ field. On the other hand, for the command editStudent 1 i/ e/, i/ is detected to have no arguments, while e/ has as an argument. As such, the second command will not succeed since the i/ field is blank.

  • For all parameters, extraneous spaces within the input values will not be trimmed. e.g. n/john doe is considered different from n/john doe

  • All parameters and commands, unless specified, are case-sensitive.

The commands offered can be roughly split into 4 categories: those involving students, teachers, meetings, and general commands.

Managing Student Contacts

Add a student : student

Adds a student to NewAddressBook.



  • NAME The name of the student
    • should not be blank
    • should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces
  • PHONE The phone number of the student
    • should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long
  • EMAIL The email of the student
    • should not be blank
    • should be of the format local-part@domain
    • local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, excluding the parentheses, (+_.-)
    • domain should be at least 2 characters long, start and end with alphanumeric characters, and only contain alphanumeric characters, periods and hyphens
  • GENDER The gender of the student
    • must be one of the following: M (Male), F (Female) or N (Non-binary)
    • case-insensitive
  • ADDRESS The address of the student
    • should not be blank
  • FORM_CLASS The form class that the student belongs to
    • should not be blank
    • should be of the format |LEVEL|STRING|[ALPHANUMERIC]|
    • LEVEL must be a digit from 1 to 5
    • STRING should not be blank and can only contain alphabets
    • ALPHANUMERIC is optional and can only contain alphanumeric characters
    • For example, 4E1 is allowed but 42 is not allowed
  • INVOLVEMENT The user’s main involvement with the student
    • should not be blank
  • EMERGENCY_CONTACT The emergency contact number of the student
    • should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long
  • TAG A tag associated with the student
    • should only contain alphanumeric characters
    • if the tag field is specified, it cannot be empty
:bulb: Tip: A student can have any number of tags (including 0). However, if the same tag is given more than once, e.g. t/cat t/cat, only one will be displayed as they are considered the same.
:bulb: Tip: Check out how INVOLVEMENT is intended to be used in the glossary.
:bulb: Tip: NewAddressBook prevents the user from adding in duplicate students. Two students are duplicate if they have the same name and address. However, this duplicate check is currently case-sensitive. For example, NewAddressBook will treat “John” and “john” as two different names as they have different casing. We will improve on this in future versions of NewAddressBook to allow this duplicate check to be case-insensitive.
:information_source: Notes about FORM_CLASS: While the format allowed for FORM_CLASS caters to most secondary schools in Singapore, we understand that some schools have other naming conventions for their classes. We will work on this in future versions of NewAddressBook to allow for more flexibility.


  • student n/James p/94629424 e/ a/George street, block 123, #01-01 f/3A2 g/M i/Math class em/92696977
  • student n/Betsy Crowe p/83958294 e/ a/Adams road, block 8, #03-05 f/3C1 g/F i/Bio rep em/96122134 t/President t/exco

Clear student contacts : clearStudent

Clears all currently displayed students from NewAddressBook. If the currently displayed list is empty, the application warns the user that the list is empty and nothing is cleared.

Format: clearStudent

:bulb: Tip: If you want to delete all students from NewAddressBook, simply make sure the currently displayed list contains all students. You can make all students appear in the displayed list by the listStudent command.


  • listStudent followed by clearStudent clears all students from NewAddressBook.
  • filterStudent t/smart followed by clearStudent clears all students with the “smart” tag from NewAddressBook.

Copying fields from students : copyStudent

Copy specified data from all students in the currently displayed student list. The fields that can be copied are:

  • email
  • phone numbers
  • name

Format: copyStudent c/FIELD_TO_COPY

  • FIELD_TO_COPY can only be one of the three: phone, email or name. They are case sensitive.


  • listStudent followed by copyStudent c/email copies the emails of all students in NewAddressBook to the user’s clipboard.
  • findStudent Betsy followed by copyStudent c/phone copies the phones of students whose name matches Betsy. The definition of “matches” here uses the definition in the findStudent command.
:bulb: Tip: If the currently displayed student list is empty, nothing will be copied to the clipboard.

Delete a student : deleteStudent

Deletes the specified student from NewAddressBook.

Format: deleteStudent INDEX

  • Deletes the student at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed student list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the currently displayed student list.


  • listStudent followed by deleteStudent 2 deletes the 2nd student in NewAddressBook.
  • findStudent Betsy followed by deleteStudent 1 deletes the 1st student in the results of the findStudent command.

Edit a student : editStudent

Edits an existing student in NewAddressBook.


  • Edits the student at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed student list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the currently displayed student list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the student will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.
:bulb: Tip: You can remove all the student’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.
:bulb: Tip: If editing the student causes NewAddressBook to have duplicate students, the user will not be allowed to edit the student.


  • editStudent 1 f/4Donkey e/ Edits the form class and email address of the 1st student in the currently displayed student list to be 4Donkey and respectively.
  • editStudent 2 em/901941341 Edits the emergency contact number of the 2nd student in the currently displayed student list to be 901941341.

Find students by name : findStudent

Finds students whose names contain any of the given keywords.

Format: findStudent KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • Students matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang


  • findStudent John returns john and John Doe
  • findStudent alex Yu returns Alex Yeoh, Bernice Yu

Filter students : filterStudent

The user can filter students by:

  • tag(s)
  • involvement
:bulb: Tip: The filterStudent command differs from the findStudent in that findStudent only finds students by name, whereas the filterStudent command allows the user to filter out students based on tag(s) and/or involvement.

Format:filterStudent [INVOLVEMENT] [t/TAG]…​

  • It allows filtering by either TAG or INVOLVEMENT or both.
  • Either INVOLVEMENT or TAG must be present.
  • The search for both tag and involvement is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans.
  • The search for both tag and involvement matches substrings, e.g han will match Hans.
  • Involvement searches are broken up. That is, if the command was filterStudent One Two, One Two be broken up into two strings One and Two and it will search for involvement that contains both One and Two. Similarly, if the user executes filterStudent one one, then the command treats it as though a single one was put in. Similarly, an input with t/tag1 t/tag1 is treated as though the user had put in a single t/tag1.
  • Students matching all of the search will be returned (i.e. AND search). For example, if the search was filterStudent chess club t/member, only students whose involvement has both chess and club in it and has tags containing member will be returned.
  • Only alphanumeric tag parameters in the search are allowed.
  • Involvement must come before tag. e.g. filterStudent chess club t/member is allowed but filterStudent t/member chess club is not.


  • filterStudent class t/rep - will return all students with the involvement containing class and has at least one tag containing rep.
  • filterStudent math class - will return all students with the involvement containing math class.
  • filterStudent t/banana t/phone - will return all students with tags containing “banana” and “phone”.

List all students : listStudent

Shows a list of all students stored in NewAddressBook.

Format: listStudent

Modify medical history of a student : medical


  • Adds the medical history to the student at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the displayed student list.

How this command works:

  • Adds a medical history to an existing student if the student does not have any existing medical history.
  • Overwrites the medical history of a student if the student already has an existing medical history.
  • Removes the medical history of a student if the student already has an existing medical history and an empty MEDICAL_HISTORY is given.
  • The command does not allow the user to overwrite the current MEDICAL_HISTORY with an identical MEDICAL_HISTORY. In other words, the new MEDICAL_HISTORY must be different from the existing MEDICAL_HISTORY.


  • medical 1 m/ADHD adds ADHD to the MEDICAL_HISTORY of student 1 in the displayed student list.
  • medical 1 m/ removes the MEDICAL_HISTORY from student 1 in the displayed student list.

View the full medical history of a student : showMedical

Displays a pop-up window for the user to view the full medical history of the student in NewAddressBook.

Format: showMedical INDEX

  • View the full medical history of the student at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed student list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the displayed student list.
:bulb: Tip: If the student has no medical history, the pop-up window will simply show the name of the student.


  • showMedical 1

Managing Teacher Contacts

Add a teacher : teacher

Adds a teacher to NewAddressBook.



  • NAME The name of the teacher
    • should not be blank
    • should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces
  • PHONE The phone number of the teacher
    • should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long
  • EMAIL The email of the teacher
    • should not be blank
    • should be of the format local-part@domain
    • local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, excluding the parentheses, (+_.-)
    • domain should be at least 2 characters long, start and end with alphanumeric characters, and only contain alphanumeric characters, periods and hyphens
  • GENDER The gender of the teacher
    • can only be one of the following: M (Male), F (Female) or N (Non-binary)
    • case-insensitive
  • OFFICE_TABLE_NUMBER The teacher’s table number in the school office
    • should only contain numbers. It should have at least 1 digit and at most 5 digits.
    • two office numbers are different if all their digits are the same, rather than just being the same number. For example, 001 is different from 1. This is to provide users with more flexibility.
  • INVOLVEMENT The user’s involvement with the teacher
    • should not be blank
  • TAG A tag associated with the teacher
    • should only contain alphanumeric characters
    • if the tag field is specified, it cannot be empty
:bulb: Tip: A teacher can have any number of tags (including 0). However, if the same tag is given more than once, e.g. t/cat t/cat, only one will be displayed as they are considered the same.
:bulb: Tip: Check out how INVOLVEMENT is intended to be used in the glossary.
:bulb: Tip: NewAddressBook prevents the user from adding in duplicate teachers. Two teachers are the same if they have the same name and office table number. However, this duplicate check is currently case-sensitive. For example, NewAddressBook will treat “John” and “john” as two different names as they have different casing. We will improve on this in future versions of NewAddressBook to allow this duplicate check to be case-insensitive.
:bulb: Tip: NewAddressBook allows two teachers to have the same office table number if the user wants to continue storing the contacts of a teacher who has resigned. This way, a new teacher who occupies the same table can be added.


  • teacher n/Messi p/94629424 e/ o/12 g/M i/Math Department
  • teacher n/Eden p/83958294 e/ o/15 g/N i/Class 3D Co-form t/buddy t/colleague

Clear teacher contacts : clearTeacher

Clears all currently displayed teachers from NewAddressBook. If the currently displayed list is empty, the application warns the user that the list is empty and nothing is cleared.

Format: clearTeacher

:bulb: Tip: If you want to delete all teachers from NewAddressBook, simply make sure the currently displayed list contains all teachers. You can make all teachers appear in the displayed list by the listTeacher command.


  • listTeacher followed by clearTeacher clears all teachers from NewAddressBook.
  • filterTeacher t/good followed by clearTeacher clears all teachers with the “good” tag from NewAddressBook.

Copying fields from teachers : copyTeacher

Copy specified data from all teachers in the currently displayed teacher list. The fields that can be copied are:

  • email
  • phone numbers
  • name

Format: copyTeacher c/FIELD_TO_COPY

FIELD_TO_COPY can only be one of three strings: phone, email or name.


  • listTeacher followed by copyTeacher c/email copies the emails of all teachers to the user’s clipboard.
  • findTeacher Betsy followed by copyTeacher c/phone copies the phones of teachers whose name matches Betsy. The definition of “matches” is as per the definition in the findTeacher command.
:bulb: Tip: If the currently displayed teacher list is empty, nothing will be copied to the clipboard.

Delete a teacher : deleteTeacher

Deletes the specified teacher from NewAddressBook.

Format: deleteTeacher INDEX

  • Deletes the teacher at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed teacher list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the currently displayed teacher list.


  • listTeacher followed by deleteTeacher 2 deletes the 2nd teacher in NewAddressBook.
  • findTeacher Betsy followed by deleteTeacher 1 deletes the 1st teacher in the results of the findTeacher command.

Edit a teacher : editTeacher

Edits an existing teacher in NewAddressBook.


  • Edits the teacher at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed teacher list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the currently displayed teacher list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the teacher will be removed, ie. adding of tags is not cumulative.
:bulb: Tip: You can remove all the teacher’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.
:bulb: Tip: If editing the teacher causes NewAddressBook to have duplicate teachers, the user will not be allowed to edit the teacher.


  • editTeacher 1 p/91234567 e/ Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st teacher to be 91234567 and respectively.
  • editTeacher 2 o/5 t/ Edits the office table number of the 2nd teacher to be 5 and clears all existing tags.

Find teachers by name : findTeacher

Finds teachers whose names contain any of the given keywords.

Format: findTeacher KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • Teachers matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang


  • findTeacher John returns john and John Doe
  • findTeacher alex Yu returns Alex Yeoh, Bernice Yu

Filter teachers : filterTeacher

The user can filter teachers by:

  • tag(s)
  • involvement
:bulb: Tip: The filterTeacher command differs from the findTeacher in that findTeacher only finds teachers by name, whereas the filterTeacher command allows the user to filter out teachers based on tags and involvement.

Format:filterTeacher [INVOLVEMENT] [t/TAG]…​

  • It allows filtering by either TAG or INVOLVEMENT or both.
  • Either INVOLVEMENT or TAG must be present.
  • The search for both tag and involvement is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans.
  • The search is for both tag and involvement matches substrings, e.g han will match Hans.
  • Involvement searches are broken up. That is, if the command was filterTeacher One Two, One Two be broken up into two strings One and Two and it will search for involvement that contains both One and Two. Similarly, if the user executes filterTeacher one one, then the command treats it as though a single one was put in. Similarly, an input with t/tag1 t/tag1 is treated as though the user had put in a single t/tag1.
  • Teachers matching all of the search will be returned (i.e. AND search). For example, if the search was filterTeacher chess club t/coordinator, only teachers whose involvement has both chess and club in it and has tags containing coordinator will be returned.
  • Only alphanumeric tag parameters in the search are allowed.
  • Involvement must come before tag. e.g. filterTeacher chess club t/coordinator is allowed but filterTeacher t/coordinator chess club is not.


  • filterTeacher class t/rep - will return all teachers with the involvement containing class and has at least one tag containing rep.
  • filterTeacher math class - will return all teachers with the involvement containing math class.
  • filterTeacher t/banana t/phone - will return all teachers with tags containing banana and phone.

List all teachers : listTeacher

Shows a list of all teachers stored in NewAddressBook.

Format: listTeacher

Managing Meetings

NewAddressBook also allows you to keep track of upcoming meetings with parents, teachers or students.

:bulb: Tip: NewAddressBook automatically removes meetings that have expired, so the user does not have to worry about deleting them!

Add a meeting : meet



  • TITLE A brief summary of the meeting.
    • should not be blank
  • DATE_TIME A valid date and time of the meeting.
    • should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
    • should be a valid date in the future
    • should pad the input with zeroes if the year, month or day is not two digits. For example, the date 2045-7-12 is invalid, but 2045-07-12 is valid.
    • the year should be exactly 4 digits long, month 2 digits, and day 2 digits. Hence, while 12045-01-01 is a valid date, it will not be accepted.
    • the time should be a valid 24h time. Again, the user should pad the time such that the hour and minutes are both exactly 2 digits long. For example, 2:45 is invalid, but 02:45 is valid.
  • VENUE: The venue of the meeting.
    • should not be blank
  • ATTENDEE_TYPE: The type of person(s) you are meeting with.
    • must be one of the following: S (students), T (teachers), P (parents)
    • case-insensitive
:bulb: Tip: You can only add meetings in the future.
:bulb: Tip: NewAddressBook will prevent you from adding a meeting if the new meeting clashes (exact same date and time) with an existing meeting.
:bulb: Tip: If you provide an invalid date, the error message given by NewAddressBook is the same as when you provide an invalid date time format. For example, “2022-02-29” is an invalid date since 2022 is not a leap year.


  • meet r/Meeting with Ms.Lee d/2040-07-12 14:08 v/Seminar room 3 w/P

Delete a meeting : deleteMeeting

Deletes the specified meeting from NewAddressBook.

Format: deleteMeeting INDEX

  • Deletes the meeting at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed meeting list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ not exceeding the size of the displayed meeting list.


  • deleteMeeting 2 deletes the 2nd meeting in NewAddressBook.
  • deleteMeeting 0 will return an error since the index is not positive.

Clear meetings : clearMeeting

Clears all meetings from NewAddressBook.

Format: clearMeeting

Show meetings window : showMeeting

Pops out the meeting window.

:bulb: Tip: This command does not work if called from the meeting window. This is because, if the user is typing a command from the meeting window, then obviously the meeting window is already open.

Format: showMeeting

Quit meetings window : quitMeeting

Closes the meeting window.

Format: quitMeeting


Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Undo the latest change : undo

Undoes the last change. This command only works for operations that adds, deletes, or edits information. This means that commands such as filterStudent/filterTeacher and the copyStudent/copyTeacher command cannot be undone. One can undo adding/deleting meetings as well.

Format: undo

:bulb: Tip: The undo command works in both the main and meeting window.
:bulb: Tip: undo undoes the last action, no matter which window one executes it from. For example, if one edited a student in the main window, then added a meeting from the meeting window, executing the undo command from the main window will undo the action of adding the meeting, rather than the action of editing the student. Another way of putting it is that the undo command undoes the user’s last action, rather than the user’s last action in that window.

Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

help message

Format: help

NewAddressBook Data File

Saving the data

NewAddressBook data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

NewAddressBook data are saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/newaddressbook.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing the data file.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, NewAddressBook will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. In the event that the modification you make causes NewAddressBook to stop functioning properly, please manually remove the data file and launch the app again.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous NewAddressBook home folder.